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Beijing Bandits
Lhasa Pandas
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North America
Chicago Blues
L.A. Langoliers
New York Zephyr
Orlando Breakers
Central America
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Montego Bay Rumrunners
Panama City Piranhas
San Juan Roughriders
South America
Buenos Aires Dragons
Caracas Oilers
Rio Gamblers
Santiago Slayers
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Playmaker Inc.
Uploading And Downloading Playbooks
WFL playbooks must be compressed and e-mailed to the commissioner and the game runner to arrive by midnight U.S. Eastern Time the Saturday before the game. They will be released on this site as soon as possible after that.
Please note that while links exist to playbooks AFTER the current week, they will not work until that week's playbook is uploaded (don't ask me why fortunecity doesn't support normal ftp protocols ... I'd just run a directory if they did, but they don't). Note also that if a team misses uploading for a particular week, that link will also fail to work (Doh!).
Select a link at left to jump to a specific team or division. Uploaded playbooks and team files are compressed with Stuffit version 5.5 and are binhexed for transmission across Unix platforms on the Internet. Download a copy of Stuffit Expander version 5.x from Aladdin Systems to use the playbooks. Stuffit Expander is free and comes in Macintosh and Windows versions.
European Division
London Bulldogs
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Paris Cyclone
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Scotland Highlanders
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Berlin Wall
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
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Middle East Division
Moscow Bears
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Jerusalem Crusaders
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Riyadh Nomads
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Baghdad Thieves
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
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Far East Division
Beijing Bandits
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Angkor Wat Idols
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Taipei Pandas
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Tokyo Samurai
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
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North American Division
Chicago Blues
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Orlando Breakers
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Los Angeles Langoliers
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
New York Zephyr
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
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Central American Division
Kingston Dreads
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Montego Bay RumRunners
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Panama City Piranhas
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
San Juan RoughRiders
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
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South American Division
Buenos Aires Dragons
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Caracas Oilers
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Rio Gamblers
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
Santiago Slayers
WFL9 Playbooks
WFL10 Playbooks
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